Goodwill Message from the President of the Federal Republic
of Nigeria

Dr. Goodluck Ebele Jonathan
It is with great joy that I
accept the
invitation to be with you as Special Guest of Honour on the occasion of
2010 INAA service and devotion ceremony called to celebrate one of Nigeria’s
the late Major Isaac Adaka Boro. I call Major Boro a national hero for
those very
beliefs he shared with majority of Nigerians on the need to keep Nigeria
united and indivisible. I am particularly delighted to note that the
National Alliance of the America
had since 1995 set aside a special day to remember this man of courage
selflessness who died fighting to keep Nigeria together. His
passion and
emotion for the Niger Delta region is well known and I thank the INAA
helping to project his hope and dreams of a better Nigeria to the world.
In the business of building Nigeria
we will
need many patriotic hands. It is in this regard that I crave your
indulgence to
observe a minute silence for our departed President Mallam Umaru Musa
Yar’ Adua
who passed away in service of our dear country. May the Lord, Almighty
him eternal rest. Amen
Ladies and gentlemen, you will
recall that
our departed President displayed an uncommon passion for the Niger
Delta region
while he was with us. In May, 2007 when we resumed office, President
Yar Adua
never hid his desire to stem the then rising wave of uncertainty,
and anger that was prevalent in the region. Adopting a strategy of wide
consultations he began the process of turning the tide and insisting
that the
development of the region, long forgotten by many, is a reality. He
began by
including the Niger Delta in his seven point agenda and proceeded to
create a
ministry of Niger Delta to compliment the efforts of the Niger Delta
Development Commission (NDDC) while insisting that its regional master
plan be
adopted as a basis to begin the much needed transformation. He followed
this with the Amnesty Programme which many cynics felt it was
Today, the amnesty programme is
the bride in
conflict transformation and we are happy to say the gains made will be
and the lessons learnt will be treasured. But we must not forget that
brought about the situation that led to the amnesty. Following the
laid, I will pay special attention to removing the root cause of
friction and
fret that led us to a situation where the youths of our country from
region had to take up arms in protest. It is in our country’s
interest that a
permanent solution is secured that will return the Niger Delta to the
path of
peace and happiness. The task of achieving this is collective.
In this regard, I want to
express my
profound appreciation to our people in the Diaspora who not only
encouraged our
youths to accept amnesty but volunteered suggestions in various forms
as to how
to win the peace in the region. Your views and suggestions will
continue to be
treated with respect and the attention they deserve.
There are burning issues and
questions on
the matter of the Niger Delta needing resolutions and answers. What are
things that we can do individually and collectively to transform the
from an economically deprived region to one of peace, prosperity and
for the good of Nigeria
and West Africa? How best do we
secure a politically stable
region? What is the best strategy to protect our environment? How can
the gains
and promise of the present be protected for generations that are to
In my view, some of these
should form the basis of our interaction today and throughout the
summit and
beyond, for the content of our collective conscience on this matter
backed by
the burning passion of patriotism holds the key to our regional and
liberation. Our approaches on resolving these over five decades old
problem may
differ, our goal must necessarily remain the same: peace, prosperity
justice for the people and environment of the Niger Delta and Nigeria.
It is against this backdrop that
congratulate INAA on the theme for this year’s commemoration: THE
PATH TO A NEW ERA. The theme is apt and very phenomenal especially
viewed from
the bigger picture that a viable Niger Delta is an unparalleled support
for Nigeria’s
The position of service that I
find myself
today is not my making, it is the Lords doing. Many of us will take
pride that
a son of the Niger Delta is holding this privileged position of
in our beloved country Nigeria.
That pride will be better celebrated if you can support me to do the
efficiently and effectively to the glory of God and the people of Nigeria.
I have
come to work so that smiles and happiness will become the common
currency in
our daily discourses.
I will contribute to the
building of the
economy by generating investor confidence through providing the
environment, supporting the rebuilding of decayed infrastructure such
electricity and roads. We will focus attention on providing the basic
of life including education, water and health facilities. I will not do
alone. I will work with various tiers and arms of government in a very
cooperative manner that gives no room for the bitter taste of
Government has mapped out policies strategies aimed at discouraging
flight and to encourage investment. Apart from taking advantage of the
content law to grow our economy the amnesty program which is now under
Special Adviser will lead to a consolidation of the gains recorded so
far. It
is not going to be easy but we are determined to turn a new page in the
interest of our people.
My brothers and sisters the
project is the singular most important task of our generation. We must
encourage only those things that keep us together. With our neigbours
we must
continue to keep the peace. With our country we must offer patriotism
service. With our environment we must keep it protected so that the
that is to come, will say we betrayed or forsake them.
I cannot end this address
without thanking
the INAA for the many years of labour in keeping this event alive.
Thank you my
brothers and sisters. To the honoree Barrister Oronto Douglas,
You have been called forward on account of what you stand for and what
you are
doing. You must keep up the good work for it is not over! To all of us
who year
in year out expend time and money in this enterprise, may God Almighty
and bless you. Nation building is certainly a brick by brick affair. We
are all
labourers on this great mission.
I wish you all fruitful
deliberations and
journey mercies as you returned to your respective destinations.
you and may God bless us all.